Information on this page was current as of the November 2023 Ministry Fair. If you have questions please reach out to the church office at 936=634-6833 for more information.
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS: A fraternal and beneficent society of Catholic men of Lufkin and the surrounding area. The purpose of the society is to develop a practical Catholicity among its members, to promote Catholic education and charity. For more information contact any active member. Meetings are the 4th Thursday of the month at 7pm. Fourth Degree Knights meet at 6pm. All meetings in the St. Andrew the Apostle Catholic Church Parish Hall, Lufkin, Tx. Phillip LaCorte, 936-635-2334,
Catholic Daughters Of America: One of the largest organizations of Catholic women the St. Patrick Court #2777 Ladies of LaSalette was instituted in 2022. Members donate to charities, administer scholarship programs and strive “to be helping hands where there is pain, poverty, sorrow or sickness.” They embrace the principle of faith working through love in the promotion of justice, equality and the advancement of human rights and human dignity for all. For contact information call the church office 936-634-6833.
The Society of St. Vincent De Paul: Founded in 1833 The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a worldwide organization of lay Catholics following Christ’s call to serve the poor, the suffering and the deprived. Founded in 2023 The St. Patrick’s St. Vincent de Paul conference is the first in the Southeast Deanery of the Diocese of Tyler. All are welcome to join. Contact the St. Patrick’s Conference of SVDP at 936-225-1873 or for more info.
The Gabriel Project: The Gabriel Project® is a confidential and compassionate outreach to women who are distressed over an unplanned pregnancy. We rely on local parish communities to respond in a loving manner to the needs of the mother-to-be, witnessing to the infinite and healing love of God. In addition to providing emotional and spiritual support, the “Gabriel Angel” helps the expectant mom with various practical needs, including finding resources such as the following:
Pregnancy information and assistance with pre-natal care
Maternity and baby clothes, cribs, strollers, and various baby items
Referrals for housing, medical care and counseling
Parenting support or adoption information
There is no charge for our services and we do not discriminate because of race, color, national origin, age, marital status, or religious affiliation of our clients.
Call 888-300-5112 to be connected with your local services.
Right to Life: Allison Brunner, 936-414-9495,
Rosary Makers: Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Rosary Makers of St. Patrick Catholic Church
was started in 2009 by Patricia Adams and Stefanie Adams Brunner.
The rosary making group makes plastic mission rosaries that are sent to Our Lady’s
Rosary Makers who then ship them to missions world wide.
“Give me an army saying the Rosary and I will conquer the world.” Pope Pius XI
“Thousands of rosary makers have been supplying,
for fifty-seven years, millions of rosaries to arm Mary’s children with rosaries, not
weapons, for the battle is ultimately spiritual.” Our Lady’s Rosary Makers
Also, our group, here at St. Patrick, provides rosaries for the parish and can be found
in the adoration chapel, St. Patrick Catholic School and Immaculate Conception
Church, Moral.
New members are always welcome to come and learn to make mission rosaries!
Please contact either: Frances McGee at 936-240-3721, Marilou Miller at 936-414-4133,
Wanda Brandon at 936-824-3253 or Edna Garza at 936-675-5761
60-5 CLUB: This group was started by Fr. Fred Julien, M.S. many years ago as he felt a need for the seniors of St. Patrick Church to have a place to mingle with good fellowship. He opened up his home to them for a meal the first Sunday of each month. Fr. Julien provided the meat for the meal and the seniors brought potluck dishes to share. The seniors were happy and enjoyed the fellowship. We now meet the last Tuesday of the month in the Faith Formation building at noon. Everyone brings a potluck dish to share. Anyone over the age of 55, man or woman, are invited to join us for the food and fellowship. We play bingo after the meal. Contact person is Edna Garza 936-675-5761
St. Patrick’s Catholic Church Street Ministry: The St. Patrick’s Street Ministry will meet the First Saturday of each month in the Faith Formation Building at 7:15 am to plan a mobile route. This is a new opportunity for volunteers to help our neighbors in need. The group is led by parishioner Cass Faygusm 936-371-5787 or
Outreach Guild/Benevolent: (Provides Food for Funerals) Jackie Wing, 936-635-8961,
St. Patrick’s Catholic Church Food Pantry: A separate ministry to reach friends in need The St. Patrick’s Catholic Church food pantry is located in the gazebo outside the church office. A take some, leave some service you can stock non-perishable food yourself or drop off donations at the church
office. Many
community members rely upon this food source.
RADIO PROGRAM: “La Voz Catolica” – Sunday 8:30 am – 9:00 am on radio station Super Mix 101.9 FM/Rodolfo Escobedo
Guadalupanas: Mireya Jaime, 936-465-1586
Fiestas Patrias: Jaime Fernandez, 936-240-9109
Matachines Ana Garcia, 936-414-8968
Maintenance Ministry Tommy Thompson, 936-225-2565,
Liturgy Committee Debbie Greszler, 214-912-2670,
Church Art and Environment Theresa Williamson, 936-635-0083,
Sacristans Suzie Rightmire, 832-233-1760,
Greeters/Ushers English: Gary Taylor, 936-485-4967,
Spanish Ushers: Adrian Granados, 936-208-6064
Adult Altar Servers: Justin Mitchell,
Youth Altar Servers: Martimiano and Cecelia Landaverde, 936-238-8992,
English Lectors: Nick Finan, 281-455-0059,
Spanish Lectors: Dora Juarez, 936-366-9334
Weekday Lectors: Lorraine Lambert, 936-225-1175,
English Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion : Suzie Rightmire, 832-233-1760
Spanish Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion : Lupita De La Cruz, 936-225-8042
Music Ministry
English: Pat Powell,
Spanish: Claudia Tovar, 936-200-1818
Funeral, Quinceanera, Weddings and Stained Glass Bilingual Choir Choir Cathy Wallace, 936-414-6837,
Bilingual Children’s Choir Juan Valdez, 936-208-8784, and Margie Valdez, 936-201-2641 Hugo Garcia, 936-674-6029 and Maria Ibarra 936-635-6963
5pm Sunday English Choir Cheryl Flood 936-635-5258
ETHICS AND INTEGRITY: “Zero Tolerance on Abuse” – Training sessions to be announced in bulletin. The Diocese of Tyler is committed to provide help to anyone who may have been hurt or abused by a priest, deacon, religious, or anyone working in the name of the Church. St. Patrick’s contact is Joy Danna, 936-676-387, Concerns about the conduct of Church personnel can be directed to the pastor of the Promoter of Justice; Very Rev. John Gomez, JCL at
Come, Lord Jesus: The Come, Lord Jesus! program presents the Word of God and the teachings of the faith in a content of prayerful reflection within a community of Christian love. You will also experience the beauty and strength of Christian love in a community of believers, as did the early Christians. Come, Lord Jesus! makes you ask questions and search for answers. It provides a forum with which to share your faith. Through sharing your understanding and experiences with your friends in Christ, you will acquire the self-confidence to defer and explain your faith to others when those teachable moments for witness occur. St. Patrick’s Come, Lord Jesus! meets on Thursday evenings at 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm. For more information call Barbara Taylor 936-465-4302
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Daily Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 7am-9pm. Maria Burt, 936-208-3476,
St Benedict Prayer Group: A Charismatic Prayer Group meets Tuesdays in LaSalette Hall at 7:30. Every 4th Tuesday is Holy Hour. For prayers and petitions call 936-229-2354. All are welcome. Miguel and Sindia Ramos, 936-240-3798
Email Prayer Chain: Michael Ferrigno, 936-404-3308,
TUESDAY MORNING GROUP The Tuesday Morning Group meets at the Tuesday morning mass and prays the Rosary and the Legion of Mary Novena after the Mass. Everyone is welcome to join us whenever they can.
Pastoral Council: Justin Mitchell,
Parish Finance Council: John Haney
Ethics and Integrity Joy Danna, 936-676-3877,
“Zero Tolerance on Abuse” – Training sessions to be announced in bulletin. The Diocese of Tyler is committed to provide help to anyone who may have been hurt or abused by a priest, deacon, religious, or anyone working in the name of the Church. Concerns about the conduct of Church personnel can be directed to the pastor of the Promoter of Justice; Very Rev. John Gomez, JCL at