Stewardship Renewal
 All parish families are invited to bring their Commitment
Card to Mass or complete a card online at our parish website.
During Mass, as a parish community, we offer God our gifts
of time, talent, and treasure. Our goal is to be a Stewardship
Parish—a community who is noticeably committed to prayer,
parish ministry, and generous financial support. All three are
equally important. May God bless you as you discern how He
is calling you to grow closer to Him this year.
Renovación de la Mayordomía
Hoy es Domingo de Compromiso
Hoy se les pide a todas las familias parroquiales que traigan su
Tarjeta de Compromiso a la Misa o completen una tarjeta en
línea en el sitio web de nuestra parroquia. Durante la Misa,
como comunidad parroquial, ofrecemos a Dios nuestros dones
de tiempo, talento y tesoro. Nuestro objetivo es ser una
parroquia de mayordomía, una comunidad que esté
notablemente comprometida con la oración, el ministerio
parroquial y el generoso apoyo financiero. Los tres son
igualmente importantes. Que Dios le bendiga al discernir
cómo le llama a acercarse más a Él este año.

 Commitment Cards are online at the links below or available in the church foyer or office.   

Please click the links to fill out the online commitment cards. 

English Online Commitment Card

Spanish Online Commitment Card

For more information on stewardship click these links for the stewardship flip book:

English Stewardship Handbook

Spanish Stewardship Handbook

For more stewardship education, tips and homily reflections please check out the Catholic Stewardship Consultant blog The Catholic Steward 

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