St. Patrick is a large, diverse parish and we have 5 masses on the weekends.  That being so, we may not realize you are new to our parish family so we invite you to introduce yourself to the pastor as well as the fellow parishioners around you.  It’s our desire to extend a warm welcome to you and your family so this will help us achieve our intent.

If you are new to our faith or wish to learn more about the Catholic faith please refer to our Parish Life tab/RCIA for more information.  We invite you to tour our site and if interested in any ministries or organizations, please call the Parish Office at (936) 634-6833 or email at stpatrickchurchlufkin@yahoo.com.

The first step to becoming a registered member of our parish is to complete a parish registration form and submit it to the parish office. Once registered, we hope you will consider the many opportunities to get involved in the parish. We encourage you to seek out those ministries and/or organizations where you can serve God by giving of your time, talents and treasure to serve others.

Why Register?

Are you a registered parishioner? Often people attend Mass at a parish for months or sometimes years, but never officially register. Registering is the foremost expression of your commitment to being part of our parish community. Being a registered parishioner also makes the process much simpler when it’s time for receiving sacraments, registering for religious education, sponsoring a sacrament recipient and even planning funerals.

Make your commitment to St. Patrick Catholic Church today and REGISTER!

Remember, with commitment comes responsibility. Once registered, we hope you will consider the many opportunities to get involved in parish life. We encourage you to seek out those ministries, organizations and/or religious education programs where you can serve God by giving of your time, talents and treasure to serve others.

Again, we extend a warm welcome to you from St. Patrick Catholic Church priest, staff and parishioners.. Click the link and print the registration.

Registration Form

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